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Adobe Acrobat 7 switches
2007-06-09, 08:01 PM, (This post was last modified: 2007-06-09, 08:02 PM by PunkR0ckz.)
Adobe Acrobat 7 switches
Ok so, I wrote the command line in the CMD box to open Adobe Acrobat 7's switches (/?) and then it returned me this:

Command line parameters:
/L Language ID
/S Hide initialization dialog. For silent mode use: /S
/V Parameters to MsiExec.exe
/UA<url to InstMsiA.exe>
/UW<url to InstMsiW.exe>
/UM<url to msi package>

The switches that I want to use is the /S to hide the dialog. But, since it is written on 2 lines, I don't know if it is /S/v/qn or /S /v/qn... If someone could tell me the right one, please.

*Edit: Nevermind, I looked up into the 0x0409.ini file and I found this line:
1205=/S Hide intialization dialog. For silent mode use: /S /v/qn.
which answers my question.

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Adobe Acrobat 7 switches - by PunkR0ckz - 2007-06-09, 08:01 PM

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