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Some quest about installing software(+)
2007-03-22, 07:17 PM,
Some quest about installing software(+)
I use WUCD and i need K-Lite Unattendend setup.
When i create unattend setup for K-Lite - i have .bat file to this setup.
When i insert this .bat file to unattende setup creator - i see black screen to short time and not installed K-Lite. My think that .bat file lost work directory to run main K-Lite file with parameters to unattend....
Line to start K-Lite BAT file:
"\"%CDROM%\\Software\\K-Lite MegaPack\\klmcp.bat\"" - it's OK - file runnned
Content of BAT file:
@echo Installing the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack
@klmcodec163.exe /verysilent /norestart /LoadInf=".\klmcp.ini" /MERGETASKS="icons_mpc\desktop,icons_mpc\quicklaunch,fa_mpc\ts,ff_video\mpeg1,ff_video\mpeg2,ff_video\qt,ff_video\other3,ff_audio\mp2,ff_audio\qt,ff_audio\adpcm,ff_filter\normalize,speaker\20"
@echo Done!

May be i need to insert to BAT file this line

cd %CDROM%\Software\K-Lite MegaPack\

before start klmcodec163.ece ?
2007-03-23, 12:54 PM,
RE: Some quest about installing software(+)
Quote:"\"%CDROM%\\Software\\K-Lite MegaPack\\klmcp.bat\""
That is correct.

You have to insert klmcodec163.exe in same directory with your bat file.
And correct bat file from:
Quote:@klmcodec163.exe /verysilent /norestart /LoadInf=".\klmcp.ini" /MERGETASKS="icons_mpc\desktop,icons_mpc\quicklaunch,fa_mpc\ts,ff_video\mpeg1,ff_video\mpeg2, ff_video\qt,ff_video\other3,ff_audio\mp2,ff_audio\qt,ff_audio\adpcm,ff_filter\no rmalize,speaker\20"
Quote:@cmd /c "%~dp0klmcodec163.exe" /verysilent /norestart /LoadInf=".\klmcp.ini" /MERGETASKS="icons_mpc\desktop,icons_mpc\quicklaunch,fa_mpc\ts,ff_video\mpeg1,ff_video\mpeg2, ff_video\qt,ff_video\other3,ff_audio\mp2,ff_audio\qt,ff_audio\adpcm,ff_filter\no rmalize,speaker\20"

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