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Integration of nForce SataRaid drivers
2006-06-21, 08:13 PM,
RE: Integration of nForce SataRaid drivers
I didn't use that one, because when I go to the link, it says it's a 64-bit driver. So I found 6.53 via Google, and tried creating a slipstreamed CD with that (without setting "bad driver", since it sounds as though that's not necessary). That gave me a different STOP error quite early in proceedings. Then I tried it via floppy/F6 (ie your proposal above). That led to the original STOP error. So then I tried setting "bad driver" and making a slipstreamed CD. This also leads to a STOP error.

I still have a system that *almost* boots. Can I not repair this from the Recovery Console?

Messages In This Thread
Integration of nForce SataRaid drivers - by - 2006-01-31, 11:46 AM
RE: Integration of nForce SataRaid drivers - by gisborne - 2006-06-21, 08:13 PM

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